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1 lot à livrer

  • Lot n° 148 A CLOSE HELMET IN THE NORTH ITALIAN STYLE OF THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE 17TH CENTURY, 20TH CENTURY with rounded two-piece skull, peak, upper bevor and bevor attached to the skull by common pivots, the peak with an ogival front edge, the upper bevor cut with a pair of recesses forming vision-slits and pierced at each side with of nine ventilation holes in circular formation, the bevor shaped to the chin, cut with a U-shaped face-opening, and fitted at the right cheek, with a swivel hook to secure a pierced stud in the upper bevor, the lower edge of the skull and bevor each flanged outwards to receive a single deep gorget-plate, and the main edges of the helmet formed with plain inward turns (in aged condition throughout), 32.0 cm high