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1 lot à livrer

  • Lot n° 98 A PRUSSIAN INFANTRY SWORD AND TWO DEGEN, LATE 19TH CENTURY of regulation type, the first with curved blade retaining traces of etching, copper alloy stirrup hilt, with enamelled star of the Order of the White Eagle on the langet, wire-bound grip, in its black iron scabbard with a single suspension-loop; the second with burnished blade, white metal hilt including double shell-guard, in a later scabbard; the third with pipe-backed blade (shortened) etched with foliage, the crowned royal letter ‘A’ and the commemorative dates ‘1861-88’, copper alloy hilt including folding shell-guards cast with the commemorative dates, pommel with the crowned letter ‘A’ and wire-bound grip, in associated scabbard, the first: 79.8 cm blade (3)