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1 lot à livrer

  • Lot n° 147 A ZISCHÄGGE IN THE FLEMISH STYLE OF CIRCA 1620-30, 20TH CENTURY with hemispherical skull formed in two pieces, decorated around its base with a raised band and above it with fourteen flutes radiating from a finial screwed at its apex through a star-shaped washer, the flutes separated from one another by roped ribs, fitted at the front to a broad peak pierced at the centre to receive a sliding nasal-bar retained by a staple and locking-screw (nasal bar missing) the rear of the skull fitted with a tapering tubular plume-holder and with a neck-guard of three lames, each with cusped upper edge, each side with a pendent cheek-piece, and in patinated aged condition, 25.0 cm high